Looking in the Past, Planning for the Future

Wait what?! 2017 is already over?! No way! – Me, December 31, 2017

Yes. I thought that. I mean…it went way too quickly for me, and before I knew it, I was counting down seconds until midnight. So, today, I will be reviewing 2017, a really important scouting year for myself.

I will be doing it in an interview style, as I think that is the best way I can explain myself.fireworks-3040506_1920

What are some of my scouting related achievements for 2017?

Well, my main achievement is the fact that I became a Youth Spokesperson, which I am very proud of (If you haven’t seen my posts about how I became one, check them out here and here). I also managed a few smaller goals, such as getting some Personal Achievements Badges. A goal I had in my mind was to talk more to people, and I achieved that!

What are some things you would like to improve for 2018?

Oh gosh! Where should I start? Firstly, I think writing more and being more involved as a YSP would be a good start. I have only written one post and appeared once in public! I would also like to improve the quality of my writing for this blog…….and the quantity of it.

What are some things you plan on writing about on this blog and on the scouts.ca blog?

On this blog, I plan on writing about my adventures at camp, and some camping tips. I also plan on writing about some behind-the-scenes to the posts I will write on the official blog. Speaking of which, I do not know what the topic will be for me to write about, but if I’d have to choose, I will probably about being prepared to be at camp.

What is one thing you are looking forward to this year?

One thing? That’s hard. I will go with my spring camp, as it is planned to be a self-contained camp, which is my favorite. I know I said one, but I have another one: the couch rally, which is a rally held in Yorkton, SK where we have to drive around the city on a couch we made. I have never actually been there, so these are the best details I have got.

Overall, how would you describe 2017?

I think I would describe it as being something new; something exciting. I think it was one of the best years of my scouting career and I enjoyed it.

I feel like 2018 will be an amazing year where I will discover and where I will encounter a multitude of new and bizarre things, and where I will make memories that will be with me for the rest of the future.

I would like to apologize for not having posted in so long, but I will promise to try to start posting a bit more. I have been busy on vacation and I had a lot of fun, and I would like to thank you for 25 followers!

Yours in Scouting,


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